The Wellness Revolution Podcast with Amber Shaw

TWR 055: How to Meal Prep and Eat Healthy During the Week

In this episode of The Wellness Revolution, Amber shares important tips on meal prep. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining sustainable and sane eating habits, you don’t have to try to control everything you eat and count macros and count calories and be super stressed about your food. At the same time, it’s good to plan ahead and have an idea of your meals during the week. As much as we try to cook all of our meals on Sunday and consume them throughout the week, we don’t know what’s going to happen in these 7 days: we might go out for dinner, we might have an event, we might be super busy with meetings all day… so it’s impossible to use all of our food containers perfectly. The key in this situation is having balance, being moderate, and trying not to obsess about it. Tune in!

Wellness Quote

  • “I think a lack of preparation can be one of the biggest downfalls in attaining the results that you want and really staying the course of eating healthy most of the time.” – Amber Shaw

Key Highlights

  • Amber talks about the idea of meal prep and how we shouldn’t try to control every single meal we will eat during the week, but instead just planning a little;
  • Stop trying to plan so much: you might want to go out for dinner during the week or something comes up and you get busy, it’s all good;
  • Amber explains that although she plans her meals in advance, there is always back up meals in the freezer, or emergency meals;
  • It’s also important to look at your schedule and see what your day looks like, and then plan your meals accordingly.

Episode Resources

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Episode Resources

#ZeroProcessed: Free 5 Day Satisfaction and Consistency Nutrition Challenge for women who want fast, easy and delicious nutrition solutions. Click here to learn more!

About Amber Shaw

Amber is a Body Transformation Expert, Founder of The Wellness Revolution, motivational speaker, and NBC Health and Wellness Coach. Having built a lifestyle that allowed her to embrace work, children, exercise, and well-balanced eating habits, Amber now works with helping and coaching women to achieve the same level of serenity and empowerment through a sustainable way of living.

Connect with Amber

Instagram: @msambershaw

TikTok: @msambershaw


Facebook: Amber Shaw