The Wellness Revolution Podcast with Amber Shaw

TWR 105: Finding Your Joy

Are you taking the time to find out what sparks joy in your everyday life? Discovering new hobbies and interests, reigniting a passion from the past, spending time with the ones you love and care about. It can be easy to get caught up in the mundane and the madness of life. However, it is essential to find your joy in order to have a healthy balance. Not to be confused with just being busy, finding your joy differs from “busy” in that it requires you to look within and explore and challenge yourself in finding ways to bring on all the happiness in your life. Ask yourself, “what do I actively do to bring myself joy?”

Today, Amber invites you to listen in as she walks through some of the ways she is learning to bring joy and light up her life. She discusses the importance of bringing things into our own lives that bring us joy. For Amber, this includes roller skating, piano lessons, and possibly in the near future, learning Spanish. She encourages others to find something that is just for you, easily accessible, and something you don’t have to rely on someone else for. Being happy is a choice, but it’s also deciphering what action you take to cultivate it for yourself. So what are you doing to bring joy into your life mama?

Key Highlights

  • Instead of staying stuck in the mundane or the craziness of life, take up a new activity in finding your joy
  • Allow yourself the time and energy to rediscover your unique passions
  • Take the time to look within and challenge yourself by asking the question, “what am I actively doing to bring joy and happiness into my life?’

Episode resources:

About Amber Shaw

Amber is a Body Transformation Expert, Founder of The Wellness Revolution, motivational speaker, and NBC Health and Wellness Coach. Having built a lifestyle that allowed her to embrace work, children, exercise, and well-balanced eating habits, Amber now works with helping and coaching women to achieve the same level of serenity and empowerment through a sustainable way of living.

Connect with Amber

Instagram: @msambershaw 

TikTok: @msambershaw
