The Wellness Revolution Podcast with Amber Shaw

TWR 111: Finding Alignment Between Our Current and Higher Selves

What’s stopping you from getting to the next level in your business? Are you doing all the things all day, every day, but feel like you’re going nowhere? If so, here’s the harsh reality: There’s a big difference between being productive and simply being busy. This episode is all about learning to embrace a crucial yet often disregarded virtue if we want to see real growth in life and in business:

That virtue is balance.

It’s easy to think multitasking makes us more productive. But the truth is, that tendency to jump from one thing to another at breakneck speed is the very thing holding us back. It’s the reason we feel so stretched thin at best—and suffering burnout at worst. If this sounds like you, it’s time to put everything on hold, sit back, and reflect.

Listen in and learn how you can take stock of your goals and make sure that you’re investing the biggest chunk of your time into the few things that matter, and not everything at once. It’s vital to get clear on this because it’s the single most important step to ensuring that how we spend our days aligns with our vision of our future self!

Key Highlights

  • Finding alignment between what you’re doing now and who you want to be
  • Getting unstuck and moving past burnout as an entrepreneur
  • Knowing what to give up in order to live your ideal vision for life

Episode resources

About Amber Shaw

Amber is a Body Transformation Expert, Founder of The Wellness Revolution, motivational speaker, and NBC Health and Wellness Coach. Having built a lifestyle that allowed her to embrace work, children, exercise, and well-balanced eating habits, Amber now works with helping and coaching women to achieve the same level of serenity and empowerment through a sustainable way of living.

Connect with Amber

Instagram: @msambershaw

TikTok: @msambershaw
