The Wellness Revolution Podcast with Amber Shaw

TWR 183: How to Overcome Negative Subconscious Blocks with Nick Fransen

In this episode of The Wellness Revolution Podcast, Amber takes you through an insightful conversation with Nick Fransen. Nick is a Licensed Acupuncturist & Functional Medicine Specialist who has helped thousands of people overcome their subconscious blocks, improve their financial health, better their daily lives, and move past old traumas. Nick is also the national distributor of Rubimed products.

Functional medicine treats the patient with an alternative approach through several methods. Nick dives into these types of treatments and how they can improve one’s life simply by unlocking memories from the past. According to him, when we learn how to move past those traumas and bad experiences and how to cope with their effects, we begin to improve instantly.

You will also learn how these emotions that are stuck in the body always find a way to manifest themselves. When we notice symptoms like chronic fatigue, headaches, or muscle tension, and don’t seem to find a clinical solution, Nick explains that they might be emotional signs that something was not processed right. Tune in to learn more!

Episode Resources

  • Join the FREE Consistency Challenge here!
  • Get your HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket here and use code AMBER15 for 15% OFF!

Key Highlights

  • Learn how to heal by unlocking subconscious memories and emotions from the past. It’s important to know how to move past them and deal with their effects.
  • Bottled-up emotions will find a way to manifest themselves one way or another. Many people have mild symptoms like chronic fatigue or even autoimmune diseases.
  • Conventional pills usually don’t address the root cause of the pain/discomfort, although they can be effective in the short term.
  • Nick explains that alternative medicine results take time. Big changes don’t happen overnight, and changing one’s thought process might take several months.



Connect with Nick


Connect with Amber

Instagram: @msambershaw

TikTok: @msambershaw
